Max's Message

I have a passion for writing. I love to write my thoughts and I hope that others will like to read them. Maybe my thoughts, ranting and opinions will get you thinking and start a dialogue among you and others, or maybe it'll just get you to say "Huh". I love music, books and movies and sharing my opinions about them because sometimes I want the world to know how amazing something is or I want to understand how others could like something I wasn't the biggest fan of. Finally and maybe what I'm most passionate about is I love stories, hearing them, reading them and especially writing them, which I do everyday and will be posting often. Each of my passions and writing exploits can be found labeled below. Pick one, get a little lost, maybe a little excited and hopefully always entertained.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

There's nothing to say

There's really nothing to say except that I have completely neglected my duties as blog holder and writer. With ambitions in my head and heart of becoming a true, working, professional writer, my love and passion for the short stories I have penned on these blog pages have been blown to the wayside. It makes me sad.

With a smile on my face now, I am turning a new page, or creating more new posts as this technology filled world goes. Here is a new story to titillate your senses...maybe.

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